Please report visits at the company reception, which is located at the entrance to premises.

With respect to spatial arrangement of the courtyard priority parking is available outside at the not unguarded parking lot in front of the company’s premises – at the corner of Táborská and Souhradí Streets, upon possible entry inside the grounds please follow the security’s instructions and get familiarized with Traffic Guidelines inside the company, backing up from the building onto the main street is forbidden.


Company headquartersProduction plant
TESLA Mladá Vožice a.s.TESLA Mladá Vožice a.s.
Rubeška 215/1Táborská 445
190 00 Praha 9391 43 Mladá Vožice
IČO 28953126IČO 28953126
DIČ CZ28953126DIČ CZ28953126
+420 730 140 450+420 730 140 450


Where to find us


