TESLA Mladá Vožice is an active member of the Czech German Chamber of Commerce and Industry and South Bohemian Chamber of Commerce.
TESLA Mladá Vožice is an active member of the Czech German Chamber of Commerce and Industry and South Bohemian Chamber of Commerce.
Company headquarters | Production plant |
TESLA Mladá Vožice a.s. | TESLA Mladá Vožice a.s. |
Rubeška 215/1 | Táborská 445 |
190 00 Praha 9 | 391 43 Mladá Vožice |
IČO 28953126 | IČO 28953126 |
DIČ CZ28953126 | DIČ CZ28953126 |
+420 730 140 450 | +420 730 140 450 |
info@teslamv.cz | info@teslamv.cz |